
Tank Bot

This is the Tank, one of the most powerful enemies you will find in the game. It's a slow and strong robot, made to fight in close distances. Here we have the pipe line, from the first concept to the 3D model:

Here is the first concept, with  one of the color combination I had choosen. But in the end of the game it will be another designs. I love the idea of a boiler with two legs and two chimneys, like a walking furnace.

In the high poly model, I have made some changes from the concept, like changing the face in order to get something more antromorphic and there are more details like screws and gears.

The low poly model is modeled with 9.211 triangles.

 It's rendered with 2048x2048 textures, and it works with diffuse, gloss, specular, normal, self ilumination and opacity.

To conclude, here is a 3d viewer of the model.