

Game Designer with experience in multiplatform videogames development.

Junior Game Designer in the two first episodes of Blues and Bullets. I have worked in the gameplay, the narrative and the relation between both, developing levels, puzzles, conversational systems and 3D exploration. I have also been in the cinematics design team, working with the art and animation department directly. At the project’s final phase, I took part of the QA (Quality Assurance),I was reporting bugs and checking the good performance of the program.

I studied architecture at the University of Navarra.This career has taught me how to combine both sides, technical and artistic, and also how to design spaces taking care of the way how two spaces interrelate with the each other. I also learn drawing and graphing design and how to achive project's public explanations. After that, I completed a Master of Videogame Creation at Pompeu Fabra University. During this master, we have developed the game Slam Junk! We have worked hard to create mechanics and attractive levels, based on the interactivity and the logic of the use cases. After laying these foundations, I have participated as a member of the art team, playing a wide range of duties with my fellow students, such as design, modeling and texturing characters and environments, among many other tasks.